International Workshop on Uncertainties in Nonlinear Soil Properties and their Impact on Modeling Dynamic Soil Response

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and PEER Lifelines Program
PEER Headquarters, UC Berkeley, March 18-19, 2004

General Information
Workshop Schedule
Paper Submission
Plenary & Opinion Papers
Plenary Presentations
Travel & Lodging
Contact Information

Plenary Presentations

Small-Strain Testing in the UCLA NGI-Type Dual Specimen Direct Simple Shear (DSDSS) Device
-Mladen Vucetic, UCLA-

A Comparison of Site-Specific and Empirical Methods for Site Response Evaluation
-Jonathan Stewart, UCLA - Mehmet Baturay, Geosyntec Consultants-

Development of a New Family of Normailized Modulus Reduction and Material Damping Curves
-K.H. Stokoe - M.B. Darendeli - FY Meng - W.K. Choi - R.B. Gilbert, University of Texas-

Evolution of the State of the Practice
-I.M. Idriss, UC Davis-

Emerging Trends in Cyclic Triaxial Testing and Addressing Samoling Disturbance
-Michael Riemer, UC Berkeley-

Evolution of Soil Models Since the 1970's
-Robert Pyke-

Use of Geotechnical Site Response Models in Practice
-Steve Kramer - Sarah Paulsen, University of Washington-

Nonlinear Soil Models for Site Response: European Experience
-Atilla Ansal, Bogazici University-

Emerging Trends in Site Response and SSI Modeling
-Juan Pestana, UC Berkeley-

In Situ Soil Properties for Seismic Site Response
-Takaji Kokusho, Chuo University-