International Workshop on Uncertainties in Nonlinear Soil Properties and their Impact on Modeling Dynamic Soil Response

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and PEER Lifelines Program
PEER Headquarters, UC Berkeley, March 18-19, 2004

General Information
Workshop Schedule
Paper Submission
Plenary & Opinion Papers
Plenary Presentations
Travel & Lodging
Contact Information

Paper Submission

All participants will submit short (1-3 pages) opinion papers in PDF format on key questions/issues in the field of nonlinear property determination, modeling, and use. (Topics) These opinion papers should be submitted by March 1, 2004 and will be posted to this web site by March 8, 2004. Participants are encouraged to read these papers before the workshop to prepare for discussions at the various breakout sessions.

Presenters will submit longer (5-10 pages) papers on their presentation topics for posting on this website before the workshop.

Presenters at the plenary sessions will be required to provide their presentation slides in PDF format for posting on this web site.