Documents from Meetings
9/2/2008 - Joints Workshop
- – Seismic Performance of Exterior & Corner Non- Ductile Beam Column Joints in Gravity Load Designed Reinforced Concrete Buildings - Wael Hassan (PDF file- 852 KB)
8/27/2008 - Joints Workshop
- – Specimen Design of Specimen Design of Corner BeamCorner Beam--Column ConnectionsColumn Connections - Sangjoon Park (PDF file- 994 KB)
- – Shear Strength Degradation Trends for Exterior and Corner Non-Ductile Beam Column Joints - Wael Hassan (PDF file- 295 KB)
- – Analytical Model of Beam –– Column Exterior Joints - Norberto Rojas (PDF file- 227 KB)
- – Collapse of Older RC Framesduring Earthquakes - Shyh-Jiann Hwang (PDF file- 1.8 MB)
8/13/2008 - Joints Workshop
- – Agenda - Jack Moehle (PDF file- 522 KB)
- – Exterior Non-Ductile Beam-Column Joints - Michael Barnes, Sebastien Jigorel (PDF file- 2.9 MB)
- – Seismic Performance of Corner Non-Ductile Beam Column Joints in Gravity Load Designed Reinforced Concrete Buildings - Wael Hassan (PDF file- 2.3 MB)
- – Specimen Design of Corner Beam Column Connections - Sangjoon Park (PDF file- 675 KB)
- – Parameters to consider in NCREE shake table tests - Ken Elwood (PDF file- 211 KB)
- – Collapse of Older RC Frames during Earthquakes - Yavari, Elwood, Lin, Wu, Hwang, Moehle (PDF file- 1.2 MB)
4/3/2008 - NEES GC Nonductile Concrete Project Meeting
- – Agenda (Word file - 24 KB)
- – NEESGC - Project Overview (PowerPoint file- 16.8 MB)
- – Inventory Collection Update (PowerPoint file- 2.6 MB)
- – Collapse of Older RC Frames during Earthquakes (PowerPoint file- 1 MB)
- – Education and Outreach - Proposal Elements (PowerPoint file- 988 KB)
- – Beam-column joints (PowerPoint file- 1.1 MB)
- – TestBeamLength_Model_1 (PDF file- 76 KB)
- – Mitigation of Collapse Risk in Older Concrete Buildings (PDF file- 1.3 MB)
- – 2D Simple Analysis of Van Nuys Hotel (PDF file- 1.2 MB)
- – Seismic Column Specimens – Purdue University (Bowen Laboratory) (PDF file- 1 MB)
- – Seismic_Uni_Specimens_11_15_071 (PDF file- 400 KB)