Mitigation of Collapse Risk in Older Concrete Buildings - Grand Challenge Research of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center and the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation

Project Team

Project Team

Prof. Jack P. Moehle Jack P. Moehle, Principal Investigator, University of California, Berkeley
Expertise: Earthquake response of reinforced concrete, performance-based engineering, collaborative multi-disciplinary research program management
Project Roles: Principal Investigator, system behavior, beam-column joints
Contact: 510-407-6124,
Thalia Anagnos Thalia Anagnos, co-Principal Investigator, San Jose State University
Expertise: Structural reliability, seismic hazard, loss estimation, and education, training, and outreach components of NEES
Project Roles: co-Principal Investigator, inventory, HAZUS models, loss estimation, education/outreach
Contact: 408-924-5190,
Comerio Mary Comerio, co-Principal Investigator, University of California, Berkeley
Expertise: Seismic risk and loss modeling, economic impacts and recovery from disasters, and rehabilitation of existing buildings
Project Roles: co-Principal Investigator, inventory and policy, liaison to EERI, regulatory agencies
Contact: 510-642-2406,
Hutchinson Tara Hutchinson, University of California, Irvine
Expertise: Seismic soil-structure-interaction, simulation and modeling, performance-based earthquake engineering
Project Roles: System behavior, membrane studies, SSFI
Contact: 949-824-2166,
Ricardo Lopez Ricardo Lopez, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Expertise: Seismic response of reinforced concrete buildings, seismic assessment and rehabilitation, nonlinear analysis of structures
Project Roles: Beam-column joints, liaison to U. Puerto Rico students
Contact: 787-265-3815,
Adolfo Matamoros Adolfo Matamoros, University of Kansas, Lawrence
Expertise: Behavior of reinforced concrete members subjected to cyclic loading, response and performance of R/C structures subjected to earthquakes
Project Roles: Column studies (as-built and retrofit)
Contact: 785-864-3761,
Peter May Peter May, University of Washington
Expertise: Public policy process, policy evaluation, environmental politics and policy, construction and framing of public problems and their solutions
Project roles: Public policy
Contact: 206-543-2780,
Mosalam Khalid Mosalam, University of California, Berkeley
Expertise: Behavior, modeling and repair of concrete, masonry and wood structures under extreme loads, SI and structural health monitoring, Stochastic FEM
Project Roles: Component models, membrane models, building simulations
Contact: 510-643-4805,
Julio Ramirez Julio Ramirez, co-Principal Investigator, Purdue University
Expertise: Earthquake response of reinforced concrete, experimental studies
Project Roles: co-Principal Investigator, building components research coordinator, columns, U.S. and global liaison
Contact: 765-494-2716,
Judith Steele Judith Steele, University of Southern California
Expertise: LA City legislative analyst, disaster recovery, hazard mitigation policy
Project Roles: Building inventory, policy strategies
Jonathan Stewart Jonathan Stewart, co-Principal Investigator, University of California, Los Angeles
Expertise: Geotechnical earthquake engineering, soil-foundation-structure interaction, earthquake ground motion characterization, field testing
Project Roles: co-Principal Investigator, SFSI, ground motions, liaison to seismology and geo communities
Contact: 310-206-2990,

• External Advisory Committee

The George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Simulation (NEES)is sponsored by the National Science Foundation  NSF logo