Selected Publications Related to NGA Program
- – Shoja-Taheri, Naserieh, Hadi - A Test of the Applicability of NGA Models to the Strong Ground-Motion Data in the Iranian Plateau (PDF file - 2.6 MB)
- – Sacsserra, Stewart, Kayen, Lanzo - Database for Earthquake Strong Motion Studies in Italy (PDF file - 774 KB)
- – Scasserra, Stewart, Bazzurro, Lanzo, Mollaioli - A Comparison of NGA Ground-Motion Prediction Equations to Italian Data (PDF file - 1.16 MB)
- – Kempton, Stewart, M. EERI - Prediction Equations for Significant Duration of Earthquake Ground Motions Considering Site and Near-Source Effects (PDF file - 833 KB)
- – Atkinson, Morrison - Observations on regional variability in ground-motion amplitudes for small-to-moderate earthquakes in North America (PDF file - 1.23 MB)
- – Boore, Watson-Lamprey, Abrahamson - Orientation-Independent Measures of Ground Motion (PDF file - 467 KB)
- – Campbell, Bozorgnia - Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) Empirical Ground Motion Models: Can They Be Used In Europe? (PDF file - 299 KB)
- – Campbell, Abrahamson, Power, Chiou, Bozorgnia, Shantz, Roblee - Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) Project: Empirical Ground Motion Prediction Equations for Active Tectonic Regions (PDF file - 825 KB)
- – Campbell, Bozorgnia - Empirical Ground Motion Model for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes in Active Tectonic Environments Developed for The NGA Project (PDF file - 193 KB)
- – Campbell, Bozorgnia - Campbell-Bozorgnia Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) Relations for PGA, PGV and Spectral Acceleration: A Progress Report (PDF file - 140 KB)
- – Earthquake Spectra, Special Issue, Feb. 2009 - NGA papers in special issues of Earthquake Spectra, Feb. 2009 (PDF file - 44 KB)
- – Frankel - A Constant Stress-Drop Model for Producing Broadband Synthetic Seismograms: Comparison with the Next Generation Attenuation Relations (PDF file - 1.4 MB)
- – Graves, Aagaard, Hudnut, Star, Stewart, Jordan - Broadband simulations for Mw 7.8 southern San Andreas earthquakes: Ground motion sensitivity to rupture speed (PDF file - 870 KB)
- – Peruša, Fajfar - How Reliable are the Ground Motion Prediction Equations? (PDF file - 569 KB)
- – Star, Stewart, Graves, Hudnut - Validation Against NGA Empirical Model of Simulated Motions for M7.8 Rupture of San Andreas Fault (PDF file - 181 KB)
- – Stafford, Strasser, Bommer - An evaluation of the applicability of the NGA models to ground-motion prediction in the Euro-Mediterranean region (PDF file - 1.31 MB)
- – Watson-Lamprey, Boore - Beyond SaGMRotI: Conversion to SaArb, SaSN, and SaMaxRot (PDF file - 1.6 MB)