3rd International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering

The 3rd International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering (3AESE) is being held in San Francisco, California, USA to continue efforts to promote international collaboration and dissemination of research findings. This event will cover all aspects of experimental structural engineering, from novel testing and measuring techniques, to computer-controlled experiments, and results of interesting experiments. 1AESE (July 2005 in Nagoya, Japan) and 2AESE (December 2007 in Shanghai, China) endeavored to promote international collaborations and to facilitate exchange of state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice research findings related to structural experiments. In a similar fashion, the 3AESE Conference hopes to provide a unique environment where researchers from around the world can interact and share their experience, vision, current testing ideas and results. To further this interaction the conference is being held concurrently with two other unique events, the 2009 PEER Annual Meeting and the Loma Prieta Earthquake Commemorative Symposium.

The 3AESE is sponsored by the International Associated for Experimental Structural Engineering and Tongji University. The Conference host and organizer is PEER.

The 3rd International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering will run concurrently with the PEER Annual Meeting at the same venue. All conference registrants will be able to attend any sessions from the PEER meeting and will be able to mingle with attendees from both events during breakfasts, lunche s and receptions. Event Program.

Conference registration also includes registration for the Loma Prieta Earthquake Commemorative Symposium. This is a special one day event is being held on the 20th anniversary of the October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake. The symposium will highlight lessons learned from the Loma Prieta Earthquake, accomplishments in the 20 years since the earthquake, and future initiatives that will continue to make cities safer from earthquakes. It is a forward looking event that will explore the developing trends in the United States from the perspective of all earthquake engineering disciplines and give insight into where the industry will be in twenty years. The symposium will be held at the same venue as the conference and will draw many researchers and practitioners from the Bay Area and around the world. Event Program.