
The program for the symposium was divided into both Plenary Session and special break-out sessions. These Plenary Session talks were designed to give the audience a general view of the issues applicable to many earthquake engineering disciplines. The speakers highlighted how past experiences from the Loma Prieta earthquake have shaped their field and discussed the likely focus of future activities. The morning Plenary Session presentations were followed by special sessions in smaller break out rooms. In these afternoon special sessions, multiple speakers thoroughly analyzed government response, lifeline networks and science-based predictions for the next big California Earthquake. The day concluded in a large group setting where several speakers reflected on what major challenges we have to overcome to make our communities more resilient to the threats posed by major earthquakes.

The program was technically rewarding while also providing greater insight about the future directions of the earthquake engineering profession.

The presentations are linked below in PDF and video format.

To view the recorded videos of the presentations, you will need QuickTime video player. Download.

Activity Time Presentation Topic Speakers
8:30 - 9:00 am Welcome from Distinguished Officials & PEER Director
9:00 - 10:00 am Overview of Loma Prieta Earthquake & Outline of Changes to the Bay Area since 1989 TOM TOBIN, Tobin & Associates
Presentation: Video
Seismology: 20 years of ground breaking work that has changed the field MARY LOU ZOBACK, Risk Management Solutions (RMS)
Presentation: PDF
Presentation: Video
Break 10:00 -10:15 am
10:15 am -
12:00 pm
Geotechnical Engineering challenges discovered from Loma Prieta and what has been done to address them RAY SEED, University of California Berkeley
Presentation: PDF
Presentation: Video
Hazardous Structural Building types identified from Loma Prieta and mitigation policies developed to confront their risk DAVID BONOWITZ, Consultant
Presentation: PDF
Presentation: Video
Bridges: Seismic Retrofits and Research Programs triggered by Loma Prieta RICK LAND, California Department of Transportation
– Presentation: PDF
Presentation: Video
Lifeline Networks Overview: weaknesses uncovered in Loma Prieta and expected performance in future earthquakes STU WERNER, Seismic Systems and Engineering Consultants
Presentation: PDF
Presentation: Video
Lunch 12:00 - 1:15 pm
Concurrent Sessions 1:15 - 2:45 pm State and Local Government Reaction, Long-term Recovery and Planning
Lifeline Networks: Detailed studies of various systems and how these networks effect emergency response
The next big California Earthquake - what science is telling us
Break 2:45 - 3:00 pm
3:00 - 4:15 pm The future of Performance Based Earthquake Engineering: Challenges with code implementation, educating future engineers and creating resilient cities JACK MOEHLE, University of California Berkeley
Presentation: PDF
Presentation: Video
Long-term Recovery: How lessons learned form past events can prepare us for future earthquakes KEN TOPPING, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo
Presentation: PDF
Presentation: Video
Integrated paths forward for the profession of Earthquake Engineering CHRIS POLAND, Degenkolb Engineers
Presentation: PDF
Presentation: Video
Concluding Remarks
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