2010-2011 K-12 Outreach Program
The 2010-2011 K-12 outreach program at UC Berkeley was extremely successful, reaching 21 schools, 48 classrooms, and 1703 students. This program is supported jointly by the PEER Center and the nees@berkeley laboratory.
The goal of the outreach program is to engage the students and foster interest in earthquakes and engineering. Due to the success of this program it will be continued in 2011-2012!
The following shows the list of schools that participated in the 2010-2011 Program:
- – El Centro Elementary School, Napa, 5th Grade, 2 classes, 52 students
- – Bella Vista Elementary, Oakland, 4th Grade, 4 classes, 100 students
- – Lincoln Elementary, Oakland, 3th Grade, 2 classes, 46 students
- – Joaquin Miller Elementary, Oakland, 3th Grade, 1 class, 31 students
- – ASCEND School, Oakland, 6th Grade, 2 classes, 48 students
- – John Swett Elementary, Martinez, 4th Grade, 2 classes, 64 students
- – Stege Elementary, Richmond, 3th Grade, 3 classes, 60 students
- – Hoover Elementary School, Oakland, 5th Grade, 2 classes, 50 students
- – Anna Yates Elementary School, Emeryville, 2th Grade, 3 classes, 60 students
- – Markham Elementary, Oakland, 3th Grade, 4 classes, 66 students
- – Washington School, San Leandro, 5th Grade, 2 classes, 50 students
- – Korematsu Discovery Academy, Oakland, 2nd and 4th Grade, 2 classes, 57 students
- – Joaquin Miller Elementary, Oakland, 5th Grade, 2 classes, 62 students
- – Grass Valley School, Oakland, 4th and 5th Grade, 4 classes, 110 students
- – Glenview Elementary, Oakland, 1st Grade, 2 classes, 50 students
- – Live Oak School, San Francisco, Mixed Grades, 6th Grade, 3 classes, 47 students
- – Brookfield, Oakland, 5th Grade, 2 classes, 51 students
- – Greenleaf, Oakland, 1st Grade, 3 classes, 75 students
- – Thornhill Elementary, Oakland, 2th Grade, 2 classes, 40 students
- – Archway School, Oakland, 4th Grade, 1 classes, 14 students