Recent developments in BuildingTcl to assist in modeling, analysis and assessment of seismic response response using OpenSees

Dr. Silvia Mazzoni
Topic: Recent developments in BuildingTcl to assist in modeling, analysis and assessment of seismic response response using OpenSees
Date: Friday, January 15, 2010
Time: 3:00 PM to 4PM
Location: Room 250, Sutardja Dai Hall (CITRIS Building), UC Berkeley

BuildingTcl: a Real-Time Interface for Numerical Simulation in OpenSees - PDF file (16.4 MB)

Dr. Silvia Mazzoni has been a key contributor to the development of OpenSees. She will give an overview of the use of BuildingTcl to streamline and simplify the seismic analysis of building systems using OpenSees. This should be of interest to anyone currently using or interested in using the powerful capabilities of OpenSees for the seismic response analysis of buildngs.