Jack P. Moehle, Principal Investigator, University of California, Berkeley
Expertise: Earthquake response of reinforced concrete, performance-based engineering, collaborative multi-disciplinary research program management
Project Roles: Principal Investigator, system behavior, beam-column joints
Contact: 510-407-6124, moehle@berkeley.edu
Thalia Anagnos, co-Principal Investigator, San Jose State University
Expertise: Structural reliability, seismic hazard, loss estimation, and education, training, and outreach components of NEES
Project Roles: co-Principal Investigator, inventory, HAZUS models, loss estimation, education/outreach
Contact: 408-924-5190, tanagnos@email.sjsu.edu
Mary Comerio, co-Principal Investigator, University of California, Berkeley
Expertise: Seismic risk and loss modeling, economic impacts and recovery from disasters, and rehabilitation of existing buildings
Project Roles: co-Principal Investigator, inventory and policy, liaison to EERI, regulatory agencies
Contact: 510-642-2406, mcomerio@berkeley.edu
Tara Hutchinson, University of California, Irvine
Expertise: Seismic soil-structure-interaction, simulation and modeling, performance-based earthquake engineering
Project Roles: System behavior, membrane studies, SSFI
Contact: 949-824-2166, thutchin@uci.edu
Ricardo Lopez, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Expertise: Seismic response of reinforced concrete buildings, seismic assessment and rehabilitation, nonlinear analysis of structures
Project Roles: Beam-column joints, liaison to U. Puerto Rico students
Contact: 787-265-3815, rilopez@uprm.edu
Adolfo Matamoros, University of Kansas, Lawrence
Expertise: Behavior of reinforced concrete members subjected to cyclic loading, response and performance of R/C structures subjected to earthquakes
Project Roles: Column studies (as-built and retrofit)
Contact: 785-864-3761, amatamor@ku.edu
Peter May, University of Washington
Expertise: Public policy process, policy evaluation, environmental politics and policy, construction and framing of public problems and their solutions
Project roles: Public policy
Contact: 206-543-2780, pmay@u.washington.edu
Khalid Mosalam, University of California, Berkeley
Expertise: Behavior, modeling and repair of concrete, masonry and wood structures under extreme loads, SI and structural health monitoring, Stochastic FEM
Project Roles: Component models, membrane models, building simulations
Contact: 510-643-4805, mosalam@ce.berkeley.edu
Julio Ramirez, co-Principal Investigator, Purdue University
Expertise: Earthquake response of reinforced concrete, experimental studies
Project Roles: co-Principal Investigator, building components research coordinator, columns, U.S. and global liaison
Contact: 765-494-2716, ramirez@purdue.edu
Judith Steele, University of Southern California
Expertise: LA City legislative analyst, disaster recovery, hazard mitigation policy
Project Roles: Building inventory, policy strategies
Contact: jsteele@usc.edu
Jonathan Stewart, co-Principal Investigator, University of California, Los Angeles
Expertise: Geotechnical earthquake engineering, soil-foundation-structure interaction, earthquake ground motion characterization, field testing
Project Roles: co-Principal Investigator, SFSI, ground motions, liaison to seismology and geo communities
Contact: 310-206-2990, jstewart@seas.ucla.edu