June 1-3, 2010 – Washington D.C., USA
GEM’s annual outreach meeting was held in Washington D.C. on June 1-3 2010. The meeting was part of the Understanding Risk (UR) Forum, the first forum bringing together over 400 risk experts and companies undertaking risk assessments, with policy makers and senior officials from the Governments accountable for disaster reduction to share technologies and methodologies for disaster risk reduction. The UR Forum was organized by the GFDRR (World Bank) in cooperation with the UN-ISDR and others.
The 2010 GEM Outreach Meeting focused especially on showcasing the development of state-of-the art, user-intuitive tools for global earthquake risk assessment through community.
Download the presentation by the Global GMPEs Consortium representative.
More information at http://www.globalquakemodel.org/outreach/outreach-meeting-2010