venue for the 2006 PEER Annual Meeting was the beautiful Renaissance
Parc 55 Hotel located in San Francisco, CA right off Union Square. This
meeting site was most appropriate, as 2006 is the centennial year of the great
1906 San Francisco Earthquake and will help facilitate participation of industry
partner's from the Bay Area and Sacramento.
As in past years, the meeting was organized to provide opportunities for PEER researchers and partners to engage in discussions on research accomplishments, important research needs, and strategies to address those needs.
Day 1 (Friday, January 20) was spent in plenary sessions, examining ways in which PEER's research has impacted earthquake engineering practice and seismic hazard mitigation. Friday concluded with a student poster session, reception and group dinner for all participants. Day 2 (Saturday, January 21) was spent in smaller working groups, organized around thrust areas and cross cutting topics, and featured selected presentations from student and faculty researchers on current projects and outstanding needs and opportunities.