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Thrust Area Breakout - Reporting and Working Sessions

Details of breakout sessions to be developed by thrust area leaders. TA III and IV should consider whether they will meet individually all of the time or whether they will combine with other TA’s.

TA I – Building Systems (Mary Comerio)

10 AM – 3 PM
Presenters in TA I should plan on 10-15 minutes to leave plenty of time for questions and discussion during the 4 hour time slot.

Theme 1: Benchmarking (1 hour + discussion)
Key Findings, Observations, and Future Directions in Building Benchmarking (Curt, Judy and Christine)
Soil-Structure Interaction and Foundation Modeling (Tara and Bruce/students)

Theme 2: Elements of Loss Modeling and Decision Making (1 hour + discussion)
Downtime (Mary C)
Loss modeling, including finance and cost (Hessam with input from Ince)
DM/DV’s for structural components, consequences/repair (Laura L or student?)

Theme 3 Design and Simplification of Performance-Based Design (1/2 hour + discussion)
Farzin, (Helmuts student) on design, Peters student, Chris Koski on outreach

TA II – Bridges and Transportation Systems (Steve and Ross)

10 AM – 2 PM:

-- include discussions with TA IV researchers (Kunnath) on rebar buckling simulation?
Lehman has suggested: One small group of researchers could meet to discuss bar buckling in columns. John Stanton and I are currently testing columns to study the influence of several parameters on the onset of bar buckling. Both Sashi Kunnath and Marc Eberhard (as well as their students) are interested in using the data for model calibration and validation. Therefore, they should be involved in the development of the test matrix, instrumentation etc. So during the Annual meeting we convene those who are interested or involved in studying column performance related to bar buckling to discuss our individual research programs, exchange ideas and present results/data important to or need by the others.

2 PM – 3 PM: Joint meeting with TA III (?)

TA III – Lifelines (Youseff and JMC)

10 AM – 2 PM:
The following 11 presenters are each allocated 15 minutes, for a total of 3 hours. The final hour from 2 – 3 will be spent in a joint session with TA II.

Geotechnical – Ground Deformations
1) Ross Boulanger -- or his student -- (on centrifuge and analysis of piles, soil, foundation, and bridge)
2) Ray Seed (lateral spreading)
3) Jon Stewart (benchmarking of nonlinear codes)
4) Lorn Turner (Geotechnical Virtual Data Center)

Ground Motions: Selection and scaling of time series for nonlinear structural analysis.
5) N. Luco
6) Tom Shantz
7) Hachem/Bozorgnia

Electric Equipment & Substations:
8) Allin Cornell (Tagging fragility curves)
9) Armen Der Kiureghian (Equipment interaction in electrical substations)
10 Stu Nishenko (Seismic performance of electrical networks)
11) Kent Ferre (Seismic performance of substation buildings)

2 PM – 3 PM: Joint meeting with TA II (?)

TA IV – Simulation and Information Technologies (Fenves and Elgamal)

10 AM – 3 PM:

-- include discussions with TA II researchers (Lehman, Eberhard) on rebar buckling simulation?
Lehman has suggested: One small group of researchers could meet to discuss bar buckling in columns. John Stanton and I are currently testing columns to study the influence of several parameters on the onset of bar buckling. Both Sashi Kunnath and Marc Eberhard (as well as their students) are interested in using the data for model calibration and validation. Therefore, they should be involved in the development of the test matrix, instrumentation etc. So during the Annual meeting we convene those who are interested or involved in studying column performance related to bar buckling to discuss our individual research programs, exchange ideas and present results/data important to or need by the others.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

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