For detailed information about the I-880 testbed, please see Sashi Kunnath's I-880 Testbed webpage. For schedule and status, click here. Page Contents
Summary Description
The structure is the 5th and 6th St Viaduct, CL Line and EU Ramp, Caltrans Bridge No. 33-0616L. The viaduct is located in Oakland, CA, and runs from near the intersection of Center and 3rd Sts (37.8028N x 122.2969W) to Market and 5th Sts (37.8013N x 122.2833W). It is a prestressed concrete, multi-span box-girder structure, 1138m long, 21.8m wide, built in 1998. It is section A among 7 design packages that replaced the section of I-880 damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake. Notes: