Project Title/ID Number |
Supplemental SASW Work
by USGS for NGA Project—1L10b |
Start/End Dates |
11/25/03 – 6/30/04 |
Project Leader |
Robert Kayen (USGS/F) |
Team Members |
Eric Thompson (UNC/O), Diane
Minasian (USGS/O), Brad Carkin (USGS/O) |
F=faculty; GS=graduate student; US=undergraduate student; PD=post-doc; I=industrial
collaborator; O=other
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1. Project Goals/Objectives:
Spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW) testing at strong motion recording
(SMR) sites for the Next Generation Attenuation modeling (NGA) project.
Role of this project in supporting PEER’s mission
Quantitative site characteristics for strong motion recording stations
in California are critical to the success of the NGA project. This supplemental
project is fulfilling this critical element of the NGA effort.
New acquisition of spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW)-based
cross power spectra data using frequency controlled harmonic sine-wave
source at strong motion instrumentation sites selected by PEER-LL for
the NGA project.
Computation of dispersion curves and shear wave velocities
using a constrained non-linear least-square inversion method for data
from group dispersion
curves of each test site.
Computation of Vs-30 site velocities and designation
of NEHRP site class.
4. Brief Description of past year’s accomplishments
(Year 6) & more detail on expected Year 7 accomplishments:
New Year 7 Project:
In Year 7, USGS will perform all of the fieldwork processing
and reporting, with supervision by Kayen and field assistance by Thompson,
Carkin and Minasian.
The requisition will support one month of salary and travel per diem for
University of North Carolina Ph. D. student Thompson to conduct the field
data. USGS will cost share and supply a field vehicle, SASW apparatus, general
fieldwork equipment, a generator, and cover cost for fuel.
Data collection
will average 2-3 sites per-day depending on transit distance between stations
and ease of site access. Between December 12 and and January
15 we performed SASW testing at a total of 60 SMR. Work is be clustered
in spatial bins to optimize and maximize the number of sites collected.
Data processing was be performed on field data immediately following collection.
A password-protected FTP/Web site (via has been set up so for
daily upload of field data files and rapid dissemination of results to PEER.
NGA staff has access to the FTP/WEB site to get daily updates on field-testing,
view site photos, and correspond with participants. Inversion analysis
will be done at the USGS Geotechnical data processing lab. Vs Profiles will
used to compute an average 30-meter velocity and a simplified NEHRP classification
will be determined for each site.
5. Other Similar Work Being Conducted Within and Outside
PEER and How This Project Differs:
Other work on SASW-based shear wave characterization of strong motion
sites by our group includes strong motion recording (SMR) instrumentation
sites of the ALYESKA Pipeline Services Company, Anchorage, Alaska. That
work is not connected with this proposal.
6. Plans for Year 8 if project is expected to be continued:
This short-term project has been highly successful for characterizing a
large number of SMR sites for the NGA project effort. The USGS has worked
to optimize all aspects of the field data collection and processing of SASW
data such that we were able to test and document 60 sites/month. Many hundreds
of SMR stations in California remain unclassified and therefore of limited
usage in the NGA effort. If this project is renewed in Year 8 for additional
SASW testing, we can make great inroads toward quantitatively characterizing
many of these sites. This effort would have great significance and impact
for elevating the knowledge base of California strong motion instrumentation
sites for site response assessment, attenuation model development, and characterization
of motions recorded during large damaging earthquakes.
7. Describe any actual instances where you are aware your
results have been used in industry:
The California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program, USGS, and PEER-LL
NGA effort have put these studies to immediate use in February and March
2004. The project was specifically designed to have a direct results-pipeline
to the sponsors to facilitate immediate usage by industry.
8. Expected Milestones & Deliverables:
Acquisition of data from all 60-field sites by January 20, 2004.
of a initial data report, in downloadable FTB/Web format, documenting:
Site investigated;
Dispersion curve computation;
Inverted shear wave velocity profile; and
Tabulated NEHRP site classification
designators were delivered to PEER-LL and NGA staff on February 1, 2004.
of a final report, in FTP/Web, written, and CD format, documenting methodologies
used to acquire and process
field surface
wave data, and a presentation of all shear wave velocity profiles
will be
delivered by the June 1, 2004. NGA workshop.