F=faculty; GS=graduate student; US=undergraduate student; PD=post-doc; I=industrial collaborator; O=other
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This project contributes directly to the strong-motion data (C.) and meta-data (B.) in the PEER/NGA database, and to the development of physically appropriate attenuation relations (A.) for the regressions that form the heart of NGA.
Achieved Milestones:
Achieved Milestones:
The velocity model in the Bay Area lags greatly behind similar work being done in southern California.
None. Project will sunset this year.
Results are too new.
The main deliverable will be a report presenting and justifying the improved functional form for directivity. Remaining milestones are:
The critical deliverable for Task B is a table with the depths and uncertainties to the 1.0 and 2.5 km/s S-wave velocity for the stations in northern California that recorded earthquakes that are part of the PEER/NGA database. Remaining milestones are: