Project Title/ID Number |
Tri-Center Initiative—3342003 |
Start/End Dates |
10/1/03—9/30/04 |
Project Leader |
Jack Moehle (UCB/F) |
Team Members |
Ron Eguchi (ImageCat/I) |
F=faculty; GS=graduate student; US=undergraduate student; PD=post-doc; I=industrial
collaborator; O=other
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1. Project Goals/Objectives:
The goal is to enhance PEER research in geographically distributed networks
by strategic planning and collaboration with other earthquake centers.
Role of this project in supporting PEER’s mission
This project will improve capabilities in modeling geographically distributed
networks and will enable simulation of performance of those networks.
In so doing, PEER will be able to:
3. Methodology Employed:
PEER has established a joint coordination committee hired a consultant
(Dr. Ron Eguchi) to assist in strategic planning and program management.
PEER also supports various workshops, including participation of PEER
researchers as needed.
4. Brief Description of past year’s accomplishments
(Year 6) & more detail on expected Year 7 accomplishments:
During Year 7, PEER has continued its joints strategic planning activity
with MCEER and MAE aimed at defining the areas of mutual interest and collaboration
related to research in geographically distributed networks. We jointly formed
a Tri-Center Coordinating Committee on Network Systems (TC3NS) to manage
on-going research collaborations between the centers. Members are the Directors
from each center (M. Bruneau, J. Moehle, A. Elnashai, Acting Director),
the Deputy Directors (G. Deierlein, A. Filiatrault), the Technical Director
of the MCEER-FHWA program (I. Buckle), and a representative of the PEER-Lifelines
program (C. Roblee).
Important developments include:
Development of a report summarizing ongoing
activities and strategic planning concept, illustrated for one component
of distributed systems in the accompanying
The Transportation Seismic Risk Assessment Workshop (San
Pedro, CA.,
June 23-25, 2003), bringing together tri-center researchers and transportation
officials (representing end users and stakeholders) to discuss the
and application of seismic risk assessment (SRA) technologies for
geographically distributed transportation systems.
Tri-Center Annual Meeting
on Geographically Distributed Systems (Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 11-12,
2003), bringing together about 60 investigators, business
and industry partners, and representatives of transportation
and utility agencies to: Coordinate research on bridge fragility relations;
Prioritize research needs on transportation system performance; Define
the current status and user/researcher needs to conduct seismic risk analyses
of electric utility components and systems; and Examine opportunities to
improve seismic risk assessment of geographically distributed systems
by tri-center research to improve characterization of seismic hazards (strong ground motions
and ground deformations).
5. Other Similar Work Being Conducted Within and Outside
PEER and How This Project Differs:
This project coordinates work being done in PEER, MAE, and MCEER.
6. Plans for Year 8 if project is expected to be continued:
This project will continue into Year 8 with the same general plan.
7. Describe any actual instances where you are aware your
results have been used in industry:
Results from this collaboration are being used by Caltrans as it develops
a model to study the expected performance of a northern Bay Area transportation
8. Expected Milestones & Deliverables:
Report by R. Eguchi.
Transportation Seismic Risk Assessment Workshop
(San Pedro, CA., June 23-25, 2003
Tri-Center Annual Meeting on Geographically
Distributed Systems (Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 11-12, 2003)