Project Title/ID Number Archiving and Web Dissemination of Geotechnical Data —Lifelines 2L02
Start/End Dates 10/1/02—9/30/03
Project Leader Carl Stepp (COSMOS/Industrial Collaborator)
Team Members Jennifer Swift (USC/Post Doc), Jean Benoit (UNH/Faculty), Loren Turner (Caltrans/Industrial Collaborator)
Project goals and objectives

Develop a Pilot System for web-based dissemination of linked geotechnical database archives, develop and implementation plan, and plan and conduct a workshop to review and obtain input and consensus of the geotechnical community.

Role of this project in supporting PEER’s vision

This project supports PEER Lifelines research goals. It is focused on linking distributed geotechnical databases and providing an optimum structure for web dissemination of data from the linked providers through a virtual data dissemination center.

Methodology employed

The project methodology to establish a baseline for current geo-professional for generating, archiving, and disseminating geotechnical data and information. Results of the survey are being used to:

  1. identify users and providers of geotechnical data,
  2. identify types of geotechnical data and information of greatest interest,
  3. determine the lifecycle of geotechnical data,
  4. determine the patterns of use of geotechnical data,
  5. identify the functional requirements for a web-based geotechnical data dissemination system which links multiple database archives with respect to user interface, method of access, data providers’ policies governing availability of data, and type and format of data.
Brief description of past year’s accomplishments and more detail on expected Year 6 accomplishments

The results of the user survey have been used as guidance to develop a new geotechnical data dictionary format and dissemination system architecture. The new data dictionary is being implemented as part of the system architecture and the front-end development of the web-based virtual geotechnical data dissemination center. The user survey results also are being used to design the system architecture with flexibility to accommodation different database providers’ data release policies. Finally, the user survey is being implemented to define the interactive interface for users to access data from the virtual center.

A modified harvesting system architecture, which assures flexibility to accommodate linked database providers’ different data release policies is being implemented. Software is being developed to meet the functional requirements of harvesting architecture and to provide an efficient map-based interface for user search of the linked databases at a single point of access.

The basic research and developmental work needed to implement a pilot virtual center is essentially complete and will be reviewed at an interim Project meeting on May 2, 2003. During the time frame until the scheduled completion of the project on September 15, 2003 a management plan for implementation of the pilot system will be completed and a workshop to obtain broad user review will be planned and held.

Other similar work being conducted within and outside PEER and how this project differs

Work related to elements of the pilot virtual geotechnical data center is being done by a number of groups:

  1. A geotechnical database to support seismic hazard mapping is under development by the California Geological Survey;
  2. The ROSRINE Geotechnical Engineering Database and Website
  3. The USGS is developing a geologic site database and data acquisition for stratigraphic model development;
  4. An integrated geotechnical Database, Kobe Jibankun, for seismic hazard studies is under development at Kobe University;
  5. The Federal Highway Administration has developed a web-enabled deep foundation load test database;
  6. The National Geotechnical Experimentation Sites Database currently can be accessed by the web

Detailed descriptions of these activities are provided in Swift, et al., “Invited Workshop on Archiving and Web Dissemination of Geotechnical Data,” Proceedings of a COSMOS/PEER Workshop, October 4 & 5, 2001, COSMOS Publication No. CP-2001/03.

These single databases are or will be web-accessible. The 2L02 project will develop a pilot system to link multiple databases in a virtual system that can be accessed simultaneously. By accessing the system with a search vector, the user will be able to search all databases of linked data providers.

Plans for Year 7 if this project is expected to be continued

The project is scheduled to be completed in Year-6

Describe any instances where you are aware that your results have been used in industry

The pilot system is not available for use at this time.

Expected milestones
  • May 2, 2003 – Interim project review meeting for review of draft reports on all project tasks.
  • August 10, 2003 – Final reports for all project tasks to be completed.
  • August 19, 2003 – Hold workshop to obtain broad review of the pilot virtual data center (VDC) system.
  • September 15, 2003 – Final project report submitted to PEER
  1. Pilot VDC system design.
  2. Pilot system software.
  3. Pilot system implementation plan
  4. Project final report.