Project Title/ID Number | Evaluation and Assessment of PBEE Methodology—3292002 |
Start/End Dates | 10/1/02—9/30/03 |
Project Leader | Jon Heintz (Degenkolb/Industrial Collaborator) |
Team Members | Robert Pekelnicky (Industrial Collaborator), Rose Katz (Industrial Collaborator) |
Project goals and objectives | |
This project is a continuation of Year 5 work. The objective is to provide an engineering practitioner’s assessment of the PEER PBEE methodology through a detailed comparison with current state-of-practice techniques. Year 5 focused on providing an independent evaluation of the expected performance of the building. Year 6 will focus on designing seismic rehabilitation for the Van Nuys testbed building, and comparing results with designs developed using the PEER PBEE methodology. |
Role of this project in supporting PEER’s vision | |
This project will provide direct involvement of engineering practitioners in the evaluation and improvement of PEER PBEE methodology, which will help identify stakeholder needs and ensure that the PEER methodology addresses these needs. |
Methodology employed | |
The scope of work for this project will include the development of a seismic rehabilitation design for the Van Nuys Testbed building using the FEMA 356 methodology. This work will be coordinated with, and compared to results prepared by other members of the testbed team conducting parallel analyses using the PEER PBEE methodology. |
Brief description of past year’s accomplishments and more detail on expected Year 6 accomplishments | |
The work will utilize the linear dynamic and nonlinear
static pushover analyses developed during Year 5. The design will be developed to a level consistent with the schematic design phase of a typical office design project. Because of funding limitations, the project budget will not fund the preparation of a full set of construction documents. However, the goal will be to develop the design and prepare report figures in sufficient detail to communicate the seismic strengthening to other PEER researchers who will be performing parallel analyses using the PEER methodology. We will prepare typical plans, sections and details communicating the nature and scope of the seismic strengthening work in 8-_ x 11 CAD format. These figures will be suitable for PEER parallel analytical work, cost estimating, and inclusion in the PEER final report, but will not be to the level of detail necessary for construction. The assessment of the PEER methodology will focus on the following questions:
Other similar work being conducted within and outside PEER and how this project differs | |
Other efforts outside of PEER have been addressing the development and refinement of performance-based design methodologies for engineering practice (FEMA 356, ATC-55). This work is in direct support of PEER’s comprehensive methodology that addresses all aspects of the performance-based problem in total. This project provides a direct mechanism for coordination between some of these other efforts, as well gaining the input and perspective of practicing professionals to assist in its development. |
Plans for Year 7 if this project is expected to be continued | |
Describe any instances where you are aware that your results have been used in industry | |
Expected milestones | |
Deliverables | |