Project Title/ID Number Coordination of SMA Site Data from Taiwan: Phase I —Lifelines 2A02d
Start/End Dates 10/1/02—9/30/03
Project Leader Robert Nigbor (USC/Faculty)
Team Members Ali Asghari (USC/Grad Student), Jennifer Swift (USC/Faculty), John Diehl (Industrial Collaborator), Rob Steller (Industrial Collaborator), Rong-Ruey Lee (Industrial Collaborator), Ming-Hung Chen (NCREE/Other)
Project goals and objectives

The objective of this project is to form a collaboration between PEER and NCREE regarding site characterization work at strong motion stations in Taiwan. Specific goals for this Phase 1 project are the execution of collaborative work at three strong-motion stations, the publication of these collaborative data, and the dissemination by NCREE of all of their site characterization data.

Role of this project in supporting PEER’s vision

This project obtains important site characterization data for strong-motion data sites in Taiwan. It therefore provided important information for other PEER ground motion estimation projects such as NGA.

Methodology employed

The site characterization and data dissemination methodologies developed within the PEER-funded ROSRINE project ( are being applied to site characterization in Taiwan.

Brief description of past year’s accomplishments and more detail on expected Year 6 accomplishments

Project accomplishments are:

  • Transfer of site characterization technology and experience to the NCREE investigators in Taiwan.
  • Transfer of web-based GIS data dissemination technology to the investigators in Taiwan
  • Direct collaboration on the investigations at three strong-motion stations
  • Assistance with dissemination of site characterization data
Other similar work being conducted within and outside PEER and how this project differs

Other complimentary site characterization work is being done by Stokoe et al. within the lifelines program. This project is a direct collaboration between PEER and NCREE, focused on technology transfer and data dissemination.

Plans for Year 7 if this project is expected to be continued

This is Phase 1 of this PEER-NCREE collaboration. Phase 2 is being discussed and, if funded, would take place in Year 7.

Describe any instances where you are aware that your results have been used in industry

Data are not yet released. However, the field procedures transferred from PEER and adopted by the investigators in Taiwan have become an industry standard in Taiwan for new earthquake-related site characterization.

Expected milestones
  • Completion of PEER-NCREE collaborative field investigations 11/02
  • Completion of final report 4/03
  • Web dissemination of NCREE site characterization data (
  • Project report (4/30/03)
  • Journal Paper (tbd)
  • Conference Paper (tbd)