Project Title/ID Number | Proposal to Investigate the Seismic Response of Short-Period Buildings—2332002 |
Start/End Dates | 10/1/02—9/30/03 |
Project Leader | Christopher Rojahn (ATC/Industrial Collaborator) |
Team Members | Jonathan Stewart (UCLA/Faculty) |
Project goals and objectives | |
In October 2002, PEER awarded the Applied Technology Council (ATC) a contract to investigate the seismic response of short period buildings (ATC-55-1). The ATC-55-1 project is being conducted in support of a larger ATC project (ATC-55), “Evaluation and Improvement of Inelastic Analysis Procedures”, which is funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The objectives of the larger ATC-55 project, which is being conducted in several phases over a two-to-three year period, are:
Phase I of the ATC-55 Project, completed in December 2001, focused on the assembly and refinement of important issues relating to the improvement of inelastic seismic analysis procedures. Activities included:
Phase II of the ATC-55 Project consists of analytical studies to explore selected key issues, the generation of written discussions on important topics, and the formulation of focus groups to provide input and feedback on the concepts being developed on the project. Phase II also includes Focus Group meetings and the assembly and review of guidelines for the improved practical implementation of the procedures, including a draft camera-ready copy of the guidelines. One of the issues to be addressed in the Focus Groups is the seismic response of short-period buildings. This issue is being addressed under the subject ATC-55-1 Project. The investigation will be conducted in consultation with the ATC-55 Focus Group on Short-Period Buildings and the results from this investigation will be incorporated in the final report being prepared under the ATC-55 project, “Guidelines for Improved Practical Implementation of Inelastic Seismic Analysis Procedures”. Issues to be addressed for Short-Period buildings include: Input Motions At issue are processes that cause ground motions at the base level of structures to deviate from free-field motions, including embedment and base slab averaging effects. Engineering models are needed to estimate these effects within the framework of the ATC-55 Guidelines. Foundation Damping There is a need to review available models for the damping attributable to foundation-soil interaction, including radiation damping and hysteretic soil damping. |
Role of this project in supporting PEER’s vision | |
The project will provide guidelines for the incorporation of soil-foundation-structure interaction effects into nonlinear static procedures for performance-based design. Accordingly, the work is in direct support of PEER’s mission. |
Methodology employed | |
final report on this effort is to be completed by April 2003. |
Brief description of past year’s accomplishments and more detail on expected Year 6 accomplishments | |
skipped |
Other similar work being conducted within and outside PEER and how this project differs | |
Testing of SFSI is being performed within PEER by Kutter and Martin, which is leading to more sophisticated models for soil-foundation interaction springs. This work is complementary to the current work. The PI is unaware of other current projects outside of PEER that are supportive of this work. |
Plans for Year 7 if this project is expected to be continued | |
question skipped |
Describe any instances where you are aware that your results have been used in industry | |
Results of project will be incorporated into the ATC55 document, and hence will likely see use in industry. |
Expected milestones | |
Draft report December 2002, final report April 2003 |
Deliverables | |
Final project report for inclusion in ATC 55 document |