
Sigma Working Group

May 22, 2013 Conference call

January 26, 2011 Meeting (PEER – Davis Hall)

October 20, 2010 Meeting (PEER – Davis Hall)

August 5, 2010 Meeting (PEER – Davis Hall)

Next Generation Attenuation for CEUS ( NGA-East) “Sigma” Workshop

February 10, 2010

Attend in person at Auditorium in Room 310, Sutardja Dai Hall (CITRIS), UC Berkeley.

Agenda (PDF file – 2.1 MB)

Presentation Files

Videos of the workshop

Introduction, Sigma Public workshop Feb, 2010

Overview of NGA-East Program

Funding Agencies’ Perspective

Funding Agencies’ Perspective, speaker Larry Salomone

Sigma: What it is, Why it Matters and What Can We Do With It

Sigma in NGA-East: Framework, Terminology & Tentative List of Action Items

Sensitivity of Hazard to Sigma; and Hisorical Evolution of Sigma in CEUS

Comparison of sigma for active regions and SCRs: EPRI 2006 Approach

Magnitude Dependence of Sigma: Preliminary Analysis of Small Magnitude Data

Sigma: Point Source Stress Drop Variablility – Example Estimation of Inter-Event Parametric Term

Quantification of Epistemic Uncertainty on Ground Motion Models

Constrainsts on Sigma from Physical Evidence

Sigma Closing Discussions

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