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2017 Liu Huixian Earthquake Engineering Scholarship Applications Available

The Huixian Earthquake Engineering Foundation (China) and the US-China Earthquake Engineering Foundation (USA) are pleased to announce that approximately ten (10) Liu Huixian Earthquake Engineering Scholarship Awards are available in 2017. Applicants must be currently enrolled as a full-time master’s degree or doctoral degree student in earthquake engineering or a closely related field. Applicants must be at a university or research institute in China, USA, Singapore, or a member center of the Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Earthquake Engineering Research (ANCER).

Application materials should be submitted electronically to the Secretariat of the Huixian Earthquake Engineering Foundation by June 30, 2017

For more information see:

Application Form (PDF)

Scholarship Description and Guidelines (PDF) — Huixian Earthquake Engineering Foundation— Institute of Engineering Mechanics of China
Earthquake Administration (IEM, CEA).