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Tsunami Program: Bridge Design Guidelines Kick-off Meeting held at USC

20150415_Guidelines-kickoff-meetingPEER was recently awarded a multi-year contract by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) pooled funding of five states to develop bridge design guidelines for tsunami loading.  This is the first such project in the US, and the development of work will have both national and international impacts. A kickoff meeting was held on April 14-15, 2015, and attended by project task leaders as well as representatives from the FHWA and Departments of Transportation from states in the pooled fund: California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii.

The meeting agenda covered background information, working group tasks, and project goals.  It opened with presentations by Yousef Bozorgnia, Principal Investigator, and Patrick Lynett, Project Manager.  Presentations were also made by researchers Harry Yeh, Michael Scott, and Hong-Kie Thio.   Tom Murphy & Tom Shantz provided information about their working groups.  The meeting format was designed to provide opportunity for discussion amongst all participants: researchers and stakeholders.

The meeting agenda and additional information can be found here.

Read more about the PEER Tsunami research program.