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PEER Research in ACI Structural Journal: Post-earthquake Axial Capacity of Circular Bridge Columns

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“Evaluation of Post-Earthquake Axial Load Capacity of Circular Bridge Columns”, written by Vesna Terzic and Bozidar Stojadinovic, was published in ACI Structural Journal Vol. 112 No. 1, (p. 23-34), January – February 2015.

Sponsored by PEER and CalTrans, this project examined post-earthquake traffic capacity of typical highway overpass bridges. As a part of this research project the first experimentally and analytically validated methodology for assessing post-earthquake axial-load capacity of highway bridges(1,2) was developed, and the first quantitative guidelines for rapid post-earthquake inspection of highway bridges(3,4) were written.  Additionally, the hybrid simulation experimental technique was extended(5) to allow for multi-phase testing that was successfully used by other researchers.

Download the paper.

1 Terzic, V., and Stojadinovic, B. (2015). “Calibration and Validation of Analytical Models for Predicting the Seismic and Axial-Load Response of Circular Bridge Columns,” Journal of Bridge Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000702.

2 Terzic, V., and Stojadinovic, B. (2014). “Hybrid Simulation of Bridge Response to Three-Dimensional Earthquake Excitation Followed by Truck Load,” Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 140, No. 8, SPECIAL ISSUE: Computational Simulation in Structural Engineering.

3 Terzic, V., and B. Stojadinovic. (2010). Post-earthquake Traffic Capacity of Modern Bridges in California. PEER Report 2010/103.

4 Terzic, V., and B. Stojadinovic. (2010). Traffic load capacity of a bridge damaged in an earthquake. 9th US National & 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Toronto, Canada.

5 Terzic, V., and B. Stojadinovic. (2012).  Procedure to Restart an Interrupted Hybrid Simulation: Addendum to PEER Report 2010/103.   PEER Report 2012/102