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Register for OpenSees Days August 27-28 2009: User & Developer Workshops

OpenSees Days 2009: User & Developer Workshops

UC Berkeley Richmond Field Station

August 27th 2009: OpenSees User Workshop: The annual one-day workshop on how to use OpenSees will be more hands-on this year. This workshop is intended for beginning and intermediate users. This workshop will introduce users to the Tcl scripting language, and basic modeling and analysis techniques using OpenSees. This year we are introducing BuildingTcl, a new OpenSees-driven Script-&-Graphics User Interface for the numerical simulation of building frames (

August 28th 2009: OpenSees Developer Workshop: A one-day workshop with presentations by current OpenSees developers on how to incorporate objects (material and element) into OpenSees. Users and developers at all levels are encouraged to attend the workshop.

Students, researchers, and practitioners are welcome to attend any of the days. Registration is free, lunch is provided, but space is limited to the first 100 applicants, and registration closes August 21, 2009.

To REGISTER, please visit:

posted July 10, 2009