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Caltech earthquake engineering post-doctoral scholar position available

The Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory (EERL) at Caltech invites applications for a post-doctoral scholar position in earthquake engineering. Applicants must hold a PhD in Civil Engineering or a closely related field at the time of appointment. The successful candidate will be expected to conduct research in high-performance computing applications to the nonlinear analysis of tall building or long-span bridge response under strong ground motion. Start date is flexible, but must be no later than September 1 2009. Candidates should submit a cover letter, a detailed curriculum vitae, a research statement, copies of 2 peer-reviewed journal publications, and the names and contact information of 3 references to Prof. Swaminathan Krishnan, MC 104-44, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA-91125. Electronic submission (email: is preferred and encouraged.

Visit to learn more about the research being conducted within Prof. Krishnan's group.

posted March 24, 2009