PEER-Sponsored Lifelines Researcher, Brian Chiou, Receives Roberts Best Paper Award
The James Roberts Best Paper Award was presented to Brian Chiou of the California Department of Transportation at the Fifth National Seismic Conference on Bridges & Highways, in San Mateo, in September. The paper, "An Overview of the Project of Next Generation of Ground Motion Attenuation Models (NGA) for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes in Active Tectonic Regions," was co-authored by Maurice Power of Geomatrix Consultants, Norman Abrahamson of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, and Clifford Roblee of NEES Consortium Inc. The project is a partnered research program conducted by PEER , USGS and SCEC. The award was granted in recognition of a Caltrans employee whose paper discusses a deployable research innovation that is expected to have a significant impact on the practice of the bridge engineering profession. Read the full paper (pdf file).