150 U.S. Graduate Students Embark on Research Experiences in East Asia and Australia
The National Science Foundation's (NSF) 2004 East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes Program (EAPSI) for U.S. Graduate Students will offer a program that introduces students to science and engineering in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China and Australia in the context of a research laboratory. Through this program students initiate personal relationships that will facilitate future international collaborations. I would like to ask for your cooperation with the broad distribution of the following information to your colleagues, peers and various institution offices responsible for advising students and promoting international collaboration. The deadline for applying to the 2005 program is December 10, 2004.
Program Announcement - http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2003/nsf03608/nsf03608.htm
Includes the following: http://www.nsftokyo.org/spmenu.html
- - Handbooks on 2005 East Asia Summer Programs
- - Potential Host Institutions for East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes
- - How to Apply to the East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes
- - Hints to East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes' Applicants for
- - Initiating Contact with Prospective Hosts
- - Participants for Summer Programs in Japan 2003
- - NSF Advice to Participants in EAPSI in Japan
- - Advice Letters from Previous Participants in Summer Programs
- - Research Reports from Previous Summer Programs Participants
2004 Summer Press Release: 150 U.S. Graduate Students Embark on Research Experiences in East Asia and Australia