Travel Support

Requesting travel support to the Meeting

There are limited funds from NSF to support travel to the meeting. As in previous years, individuals having current NEES/E-Defense projects and are expected to attend these meetings as part of their projects are not eligible for travel support. Selection of individuals to receive travel support will be based on achieving adequate technical expertise in each of the active working group areas, attracting new researchers and students to participate in US-Japan collaborative research, and insuring that NEES/E-Defense planning efforts benefit from a diverse and geographically distributed cross section of the earthquake engineering community, including women, disabled individuals and under-represented minorities. Please do not send these requests via email, as the JTCC will rely on the submissions through the website registration only.

Register for the meeting

Travel Visas

US citizens need a passport to visit Japan, but do not need a visa. Citizens of some countries may require a visa. Some of the countries for which a visa is required may need a letter of invitation from E-Defense, that requires specific information on arrival and departure dates, flight information, hotel reservations, and so on. You may require a letter guaranteeing your ability to pay for your visit to Japan from your university or from PEER if you are getting a travel stipend from this project.

For information on Visas, visit:

Visas to visit Japan can take some time to get, so advanced planning is needed! Contact Professor Mahin if you need futher help or information to prepare your visa documents.